Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Web application development

Here's a really nice "screen cast" that compares web development in several different languages/frameworks (J2EE, Ruby on Rails, Zope/Plone, TurboGears, etc.)


A few of the things I found interesting:
  • Presentation style is quite different from standard Powerpoint "Title plus bullet list". I would love to evolve to his style for my lectures.
  • Provides evidence that we made the right choice for the new ICS website. :-)
  • One of the more compelling illustrations I've seen of the differences between Ruby on Rails and Java/J2EE for web development. RoR beats J2EE by a mile, but doesn't win overall
It's fairly long but held my interest all of the way through.

If you want to learn how he puts these presentations together, see here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Philip for bringing this up. I like the way it looks and works. Found myself focused all the way. Going to learn this "screencast" stuff.