Thursday, September 6, 2007

CodeRuler Tournament Setup

I keep having to re-learn how to hack the CodeRuler package each semester for the in-class tournament, so here's the steps:

  1. Expand the file in the eclipse/plugins directory. Move the actual jar file out of the way, so that Eclipse will load plugins/
  2. You will need to update two kinds of files in this directory and restart Eclipse to see the changes. The first file is META-INF/ Second, in the directory, there are pairs of .class and .xml files that implement the sample rulers.
  3. Go back into Eclipse, create a Games project, and create a MyRuler. Copy the student MyRuler implementation into your template MyRuler. Then, refactor this MyRuler to be in the package (still in your Games project directory), and with the class name <StudentName>. Save the file to compile the code and generate the <StudentName>.class file in the bin directory.
  4. Finally, copy the <StudentName>.class file into the eclipse/plugins/ directory, create the corresponding .xml file, and update the file.
  5. Restart Eclipse and the student code ruler should now be present as a Sample.
When I do the tournament, I first have the students go through their code in front of the class to explain their strategy. This approach makes it easy to control the tournament and also have the code right at hand for review.

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