Saturday, August 23, 2008

Clean code

There is a persistent, subtle perception that "coding is for the young": that as you progress as a technical professional, you "outgrow" coding. Perhaps this is because most organizations pay senior managers way better than their technical staff. Perhaps this is because many software developers hit a glass ceiling and decide they've learned all there is to know about code. Perhaps this is because coding is seen as a low-level skill and vulnerable to outsourcing.

Other disciplines lack this perception: no one would ever want Itzhak Perlman to give up playing violin for a management position, or believe that his musical development ended while he was in his 20's, or that a symphony would outsource his position to a young virtuoso, no matter how talented, on the basis that they could get equivalent quality for less money.

I think part of the reason for this difference in perception is a difference in visibility: one can immediately hear the quality of a great violinist, even if one does not play violin themselves. The quality of the work produced by a great coder is, unfortunately, almost invisible: how do you "hear" code that is simultaneously flexible, maintainable, understandable, and efficient? How do you hear it if you are a senior manager who doesn't even know how to code?

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship is a nice attempt to make the quality of great code visible, and in so doing makes some other points as well: that great code is very, very difficult to write; that even apparently well-written code can still be significantly improved; and that the ability to consistently write great code is a goal that will take most of us decades of consistent practice to achieve.

Clean Code is written by Robert Martin and his colleagues at Object Mentor. It begins with a chapter in which Bjarne Stroustrup, Grady Booch, Dave Thomas, Michael Feathers, Ron Jeffries, and Ward Cunningham are all asked to define "clean code". Their responses, and Martin's synthesis, would make a stunning Wikipedia entry for "clean code".

However, as he points out, knowing what clean code is, and even recognizing it when you see it, is far different (and far easier) than being able to actually create it yourself. The most interesting parts of the book are case studies where code from various open source systems (Tomcat, Apache Commons, Fitnesse, JUnit) is reviewed and improved.

Along the way, the "Object Mentor School of Clean Code" emerges. I found much to agree with, along with some controversial points. For example, I am a great believer in the use of Checkstyle to ensure that all public methods and classes have "fully qualified" JavaDoc comments (i.e. that all parameters and (if present) return values) are documented. The OMSCC actually has a fairly low opinion of comments: that they should be eliminated whereever possible in favor of code that is so well-written that comments are redundant, even for public methods. As a result, I don't think they could use an automated tool such as Checkstyle for QA on their JavaDocs.

In some cases, they create "straw man" examples: such as using three lines for a JavaDoc comment that could easily be contained on one line, and then complaining that the JavaDoc takes up too much vertical space.

From a truth in advertising standpoint, the book should have the word "Java" in its title. All of the examples are in Java, and while the authors attempt to generalize whenever possible, it is clear that many aspects of cleanliness are ultimately language-specific. While extremely useful to Java programmers, I am not sure how well these lessons would translate to Perl, Scala, or C.

One final nit: some of the chapters are quite small---dare I say too small, such as the five page chapter on Emergence. On the other hand, the chapter on concurrency gets a 30 page appendix with additional guidelines. If there is a second edition (and I hope there will be), I expect that the topics will get more balanced and even treatment.

Despite these minor shortcomings, I found this book to be well worth reading. I was humbled to see just how much better the authors could make code that already seemed perfectly "clean" to me. And I am happy that someone has made an eloquent and passionate argument for remaining in the trenches writing code for 10, 20, or 30 years, and the maturity and beauty that such discipline and persistence can yield.

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