Monday, July 13, 2009

Google Summer of Code Midterm Results for Hackystat

I am delighted to announce that all five of the GSoC students working on Hackystat have passed their midterm evaluation and will be continuing with us for the rest of the summer.

Myriam Leggieri is working on the use of RDF to facilitate integration of Hackystat data with other kinds of knowledge sources in the project hackystat-linked-sensor-data.

Rachel Shadoan is working on the integration of social networking with Hackystat data in order to create novel data mining opportunities in the project hackystat-analysis-socnet.

Harvey Weitz is investigating a case-based reasoning approach to management for service-oriented architecture, using Hackystat as his test case, in the project hackystat-service-manager.

Anthony Du is implementing a software engineering educational game in the project hackystat-ui-devcathlon, building upon the initial work done in ICS 414 last spring.

Last but not least, Shaoxuan Zhang is implementing support for Issue sensor data collection and analysis through the hackystat-sensor-ant project.

All of these students have made significant progress on their projects so far, and the summer is only half over. I look forward to see what they have working by September!